22 Aug



Decluttering Tips: The Best Room-by-Room Strategies for an Organized Home

Is your home cluttered, making it hard to relax and enjoy your living space? You’re not alone! In this blog post, we will show you some practical decluttering tips to help you transform your home into a clutter-free haven, making your daily life more enjoyable and stress-free. We will guide you through room-by-room strategies that will help you declutter every corner of your house and maintain an organized lifestyle using these decluttering tips.

Key Takeaways

  • Set goals and create a plan to declutter your home with the help of a professional organizer.

  • Utilize sorting systems, categorizing items by use, and storage solutions for efficient organization in every room.

  • Stay motivated with maintenance tips like weekly clutter baskets & “one-in-one-out” rule to keep an organized living space.

Setting Goals and Creating a Decluttering Plan

Professional organizer helping to declutter one room in a house

Do you often feel overwhelmed by the amount of clutter in your home? It’s time to set realistic goals and create a decluttering plan! Breaking down the decluttering process into manageable chunks by focusing on one room at a time can help avoid feelings of overwhelm.

Starting with small decluttering projects can boost your enthusiasm and motivate you to tackle larger tasks. As you progress through your house, you’ll notice a significant decrease in visual clutter, making your home more enjoyable to live in. Regularly checking in with yourself and your goals can help you maintain a collection of items that reflect your current lifestyle and habits.

A professional organizer can help you create a decluttering timeline and provide valuable guidance throughout the process. With a well-thought-out plan, you’ll be on your way to a decluttered home in no time!

The Importance of Sorting Systems

Sorting items into three piles to get rid of clutter and create extra space

A well-organized home not only looks great but also simplifies your daily routine. Sorting systems are essential for efficiently decluttering and organizing your belongings. Categorizing items during decluttering can optimize wall space usage and make daily life more streamlined.

When decluttering spaces such as the attic, basement, or laundry room, addressing one area at a time is advisable. If you find the process overwhelming, consider enlisting the help of a friend or professional organizer to make it easier.

Keep, Donate, or Discard

An image showing different items categorized into Keep, Donate, or Discard as per decluttering tips

One of the most effective decluttering tips is to sort items into “Keep,” “Donate,” or “Discard” categories. This three-box method, a valuable decluttering tip, helps you organize your possessions and make decisions about what to keep and what to get rid of, similar to professional packing services.

Keep essential items, important documents, and older paper files in an organized office space. For items that need to be discarded or donated, set yourself a deadline to fix broken items or recycle them responsibly to avoid wasting money on them.

Categorizing Items by Use

Organizing items by use means grouping them based on their purpose or function, making it easier to find and arrange them while optimizing storage spaces. For example, in the kitchen, you can categorize items into cooking utensils, baking supplies, and dinnerware, while in the bedroom, you can categorize items into clothing, accessories, and bedding.

This organization method helps maintain a tidy home without needing a storage company and can make the moving process more efficient if you ever need to hire professional movers. Keeping track of items you use can offer insights into what is no longer needed, and these can be donated or discarded, benefiting a great cause.

Bedroom Decluttering Techniques

Organizing bedroom with wall space and drawer dividers

Your bedroom should be a relaxing sanctuary where you can unwind at the end of the day. Making your bed is a perfect first step towards creating an organized and clutter-free environment, as it helps kickstart your motivation for decluttering.

Drawer dividers are an excellent solution for getting your bedroom drawers in order, allowing you to easily find and organize your belongings. Clear any items that don’t serve a purpose from your nightstands to make your bedroom look more organized.

For clothes you don’t wear anymore but may want to revisit later, store them in storage bags inside your wardrobe.

Maximizing Closet Space

Maximizing closet space with storage boxes

A well-organized closet can make getting dressed in the morning a breeze. Begin by sorting your clothing by type to maximize your closet space, which will make it easier to find what you need. Then, sort items into “Keep,” “Get Rid Of” and “Put In Storage” categories to make the most of your closet space.

Adopt the 80/20 rule: we typically wear only what constitutes 20% of our clothes, so focus on that essential 20% when organizing your closet. Organizing your closet by season can help you quickly find clothes suitable for the weather, saving you time. To decide what clothes to keep and what to let go of, ask yourself if the item fits well, is damaged or stained, or has been worn in the past year.

Kitchen Organization Strategies

Organizing kitchen with storage spaces and kitchen cabinets

The kitchen is the heart of your home, and keeping it organized is essential for enjoyable cooking and dining experiences. Begin your kitchen decluttering by clearing all items from the counter, retaining only 3-5 essentials. This will unlock more surface space and achieve a neat and organized appearance.

To maintain a well-organized kitchen, follow these steps:

  1. Ensure items that don’t belong are returned to their rightful storage spaces elsewhere in the house.

  2. Empty your kitchen drawers and cabinets onto a clear, flat surface and set aside any items you no longer want.

  3. Give the drawers a quick vacuum and wipe down.

  4. Come up with clever storage ideas to keep everything neat and tidy.

Living Room Clutter Control

Living room with visual clutter and unwanted items

The living room is where you relax, entertain, and spend time with family and friends, so it’s important to keep it clutter-free. Begin clutter control in your living room by:

  • Sorting out books, electronics, and toys

  • Rotating toys to keep fewer “in action” can help reduce mess and overwhelm

  • Ensuring electronic toys are usable and store batteries up high

  • Investing in good toy storage ideas is key

  • For books and electronics, opt for storage solutions that complement the room’s decor and keep surfaces clear.

Managing cords and wires in the living room can make it look neat and tidy. Here are some tips:

  • Opt for cords and cables that aren’t excessively long

  • Pick furniture that will cover up the cords

  • Conceal cords with an area rug

  • Get creative with hiding them to maintain a visually appealing living room

Bathroom Organization Tips

The bathroom is where you start and end your day, so keeping it organized is essential for a stress-free daily routine. Start maintaining an organized bathroom by decluttering your medicine cabinet, getting rid of outdated items, and neatly arranging the items you decide to keep.

Make items used daily in the bathroom more accessible by organizing them neatly on a tray or shelf or storing them in an easily accessible drawer. Regularly declutter and organize bathroom cupboards to ensure only essential items are stored and everything is easy to find.

Towels can be very helpful for animal shelters. Consider donating extra towels to a local one! It will make a big difference. This not only helps you declutter your bathroom but also makes a difference in the lives of animals in need.

Entryway and Mudroom Management

Entryway and mudroom with permission slips and other items

Entryways and mudrooms are the first areas you see when entering your home, so keeping them clutter-free and organized is crucial. Manage clutter in these areas by incorporating storage solutions such as baskets, shelving, and dual-purpose storage furniture that also serves as seating.

Keep surfaces clear by ensuring items are returned to their designated storage spaces. Regularly declutter shoes and boots in your hall closet to make the most of the storage space available. Opt for storage boxes with lids for stacking and reusable labels for easy item identification while selecting baskets with smooth interior walls to protect delicate items from snagging.

Decluttering in Preparation for Moving

Decluttering your home before a move can make the process easier and more efficient by reducing the number of items that need to be moved. A successful move requires careful budgeting, expertise, and taking the necessary time.

Hiring a reputable moving company for their moving services can save you time and energy, reduce stress levels, and ensure your belongings are handled carefully.

Hiring a moving company

A stress-free move necessitates thorough research and careful selection of the best moving company. Check the company’s reviews, ratings, and credentials to ensure they are reliable and trustworthy. Get multiple quotes and compare prices to find the best deal for your move.

The Better Business Bureau (BBB) is a trusted business and consumer information source, including moving companies. The BBB considers the number of complaints a company receives and how they handles them when determining its rating. You can ensure a smooth and efficient move by researching and selecting a reputable moving company.

Staying Clutter-Free: Maintenance Tips

Maintaining a clutter-free home involves establishing clear guidelines for putting items away and regularly tidying up using designated clutter baskets in each room. Setting ground rules for putting stuff away makes it easy to maintain an organized home. Clutter baskets can help you stay organized by allowing you to sort out items on a weekly basis.

Adopt the “one-in-one-out” rule to ensure that with each new item that comes into your house, you’ll get rid of one other thing. Having an “outbox” helps you stay motivated to donate or give away items regularly, keeping your home clutter-free and organized.


In conclusion, decluttering and organizing your home can significantly improve your daily life, making it more enjoyable and stress-free. By following the room-by-room strategies and maintenance tips discussed in this blog post, you’ll be on your way to a beautifully organized and decluttered home. Remember, the key to staying clutter-free is consistent maintenance and organization. Happy decluttering!

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the 20/20 rule for decluttering?

The 20/20 rule of decluttering helps you make decisions quickly; if you can replace an item for less than $20 and in less than 20 minutes, it’s time to let go!

Decluttering can be daunting, but the 20/20 rule makes it easier. Focusing on items that can be replaced quickly and cheaply allows you to make decisions quickly and easily. This helps you focus on the things that are truly important to you and to let go.

What is the 80-20 rule for decluttering?

Take on 20% of the clutter in your home regularly to maintain a decluttered living space, and you’ll be able to tackle the other 80% when it’s time easily.

What is the 5-year rule for decluttering?

Remember the five-year rule when decluttering and make decisions based on what won’t matter in five years. It’s a great way to put things in perspective and eliminate unnecessary items.

How can I prevent feeling overwhelmed during the decluttering process?

To prevent feeling overwhelmed during decluttering, focus on one room at a time and set achievable goals. This will help break down the process into manageable chunks.

What are some effective sorting systems to use when decluttering?

Motivate yourself to declutter by sorting items into clear categories, such as “Keep,” “Donate,” or “Discard,” and organizing them based on their use and frequency.

For items you plan to keep, consider how often you use them and where they should be stored. For items you plan to donate, research local charities and donation centers that accept the items. For items you plan to discard, determine the best way to dispose of them responsibly.

