30 Sep



Moving with Kids? 5 Tips to Ensure a Smoother Transition

Relocating and changing homes is both exciting and stressful. Add children, especially small children into the mix, and the stress level can get even higher.

Whether or not you have a family, one thing’s for sure – in order to minimize the stress of your move, you must be organized and prepared. However, even the most organized people can encounter external factors, such as bad weather, accidents, etc., which can throw a monkey wrench into plans.

If you have a family with small children, read on to learn a few tips and tricks to help make your move go more smoothly.

  1. Prepare them Beforehand

Children, even the younger ones, should be made aware of the upcoming move. To minimize the stress, they should know that a move is coming up, and explain to them clearly the reasons for the move, so that they understand what’s happening, and be better prepared for the transition. In having this conversation in advance, covering topics such changing homes, leaving their current school, being prepared for their new school and class, leaving old and making new friends, playmates, and neighbors, it will help minimize any anxiety and apprehension for you, and them.

  1. Communicate – Allow them to Express Freely

Every child reacts differently to the news of a move; it might be a positive response for the extrovert, but a more complex situation for the little introverts of the family. In this case, you may need to have a more fulsome conversation, and give more attention to their feelings as you get closer to the big day. It’s recommended that kids who are feeling stressed about an upcoming move might find it helpful to journal their feelings, if they aren’t the verbose sort, while other children find expression in drawing and other forms of art. One thing is for certain – ensure that you’re attentive and sensitive to your child’s behavior and feelings after the news is shared, to avoid causing unnecessary fear and resentment down the road.

According to the article “Residential Mobility, Well-Being, and Mortality”, for a child, changing homes, schools and friends can take a toll on their mental health, both at the present time and later in life.

  1. Teach them to Look Forward to New Beginnings

The best thing you can teach your child is to look forward to moving ahead in life and look at this move as a new life adventure. Not only will this help them grow stronger mentally, but also it will help them grow into a stronger individual emotionally, as they learn the art of holding on and letting go. Allow them to see every ending as an exciting new beginning in a different space.

  1. The “Nothing is Missing” rule

According to the book The Awakening by Sidra Jafri, of the ‘9 Golden Rules’, there is one that states that ‘Nothing is Missing’ in life. In today’s world where the internet and social media spread the news at lightning bolt speeds, we’re sometimes left with a sense of ‘FOMO’ –  fear of missing out. Experiencing this move with your kids as an opportunity for a new beginning, we can teach them to not regret things that are being left behind, but rather to embrace the fact that where they are going is exactly where they need to be.

  1. Allow them to Help and Participate in this “Moving Adventure”!

A child’s world revolves around fantasy and presented in the right light, everything can seem like an adventure. Use that youthful disposition to your family’s advantage by sharing and showing your kids your own excitement for packing and planning. Then, assign them small tasks that are both safe and enjoyable to partake in.

The above guidelines are not only useful for helping your move go more smoothly, but they’re also great life tips. We’re an Ottawa-based moving company, and you can count on us for more tips on moving with kids, moving with pets or any other house moving issues.


