22 Jul



Movers in Ottawa: Before You Move

Ottawa Moving Companies Share their Biggest Pre-Move Tips and Must-Dos

Ottawa moving companies know that moving is a stressful and busy affair—you could say that is why they exist in the first place: to ease the transition from one home into another. This service extends beyond simply picking up boxes and furniture and hauling them from place to place. Here’s some advice on things you absolutely should not forget to do before your move, as told by movers in Ottawa. Have you remembered to do all of the following?

Make Your Move—on Paper, Too

There’s more to making your new address official than simply filing a change of address at Canada Post. If you’re a student, changing from one accommodation to another between semesters, you need to let your school know where to send things like transcripts and important documents (many post-secondary education institutions still rely on snail mail). Things like your driver’s license, credit card, checking account (and checks), paystubs, and subscriptions should also be updated with your new address.  And your parents or grandparents who like to send you cards and letters? Don’t forget to update them on your new address as well—they’ll thank you for it.

Take Stock of Utilities, and Transfer Where Necessary

If you’re renting, then you may be familiar with how every rental unit includes different things with it. Ottawa moving companies know too that between heat, water, and electricity, it can be a lottery when it comes to which utilities are included, and where. Make sure to make a note of what’s included—cancel current utilities if you no longer need them, sign up for others if you need them when you didn’t before, and transfer continuing utilities to your new address.

While we’re on the subject, don’t forget to schedule a service visit from your internet or cable service provider. The sooner you do this, the more likely it is that you’ll get the visit right away and be able to connect as soon as you’re ready.

Get the Help You Need

It’s no good to find yourself on the night before moving day, asking your friends if they can help. Moving is not a one-person job, so don’t take it on alone. Whether you’re hiring movers in Ottawa or enlisting the help of friends and family, be on top of it—as soon as you know your moving day is ideal, to leave plenty of room to be prepared. If you decide to contact Ottawa moving companies, make sure you know how much you plan to move, and how much you intend to discard. Remember, there’s no shame in knowing when to ask for help, and movers in Ottawa are here to help!

