15 Sep



How to Prepare Your Team for an Office Move After Covid

Down-sizing or upgrading your company’s office after Covid? Preparing your team for an office move is crucial for a smooth transition.

As Covid restrictions start to change and ease slightly, employees begin to make their way back into the office. The pandemic affected each company and business differently, so coming out on the other side could look different for everyone. Suppose your company is looking to downsize, upgrade space, or change locations altogether. In that case, it’s essential to prioritize the needs of employees and ensure clear communication. Taking necessary steps to prepare everyone for an office move can make the process less stressful for everyone.

Inform employees about the move

First and foremost, it’s crucial to notify employees about the office move as soon as you have confirmation. Being transparent and honest about the situation and details of the move will give employees more time to prepare and commit to the change. When you decide to relay the news, you should include information such as the date of the move, location of the new office, how it may affect the company workflow, and if or how it may affect job roles. Encourage employees to ask questions and voice any concerns they may have; clear communication and guidance is crucial.

Avoid last-minute moves

Informing your employees about an office move ahead of time can help mitigate stress and anxiety for everyone. Therefore, it’s not a great idea to spring the information on them at the last minute or to plan a last-minute move in general, not only for them – but for you as well. It would help if you had as much time to plan and organize as possible, and moving is not an easy task. Additionally, staff will need enough time to pack all of their belongings and relocate as well.

Keep a positive attitude. 

One of the most outstanding qualities in a successful leader is staying level-headed and optimistic in stressful situations. Moving isn’t always a walk in the park, and there will undoubtedly be a couple of bumps along the way. Keeping a positive attitude and showing excitement about the move can rub off on employees and makes them feel more comfortable about the decision.

How to help your employees adapt after an office move 

Both you and your employees had to adapt to new working conditions during the pandemic, and now you’ll need to adjust after an office move. To help make the transition easier for everyone, provide detailed instructions of goals, responsibilities, objectives, and any changes that may impact employees. The more information that’s available, the easier it’ll be for everyone to adapt. If possible, it’s also a good idea to offer leniency on work-related tasks and deadlines to give everyone ample time to prepare for and prioritize the move.

Hire a moving company 

Last but not least, the best way to prepare yourself and your team for an office move is to hire a professional moving company. Professional movers handle all of the heavy lifting and will ensure that your move goes smoothly and successfully. Hiring movers to help you allows you to direct more time and energy into your employees. You’re able to focus on the more minor details of the move that may otherwise go overlooked. An office move can be stressful, but having a reliable and trustworthy moving company on your team can help alleviate stress significantly.
