16 Jul



Common Moving Scams: How to Protect Yourself From Fraudsters

Key Highlights

To steer clear of moving company scams, it’s wise to do your homework and make sure the movers are legit. This means getting everything in writing, like estimates, and keeping an eye out for warning signs, such as asking for a big deposit upfront or not wanting to give you a contract. Some typical tricks these companies pull include charging too much, holding your stuff until you pay more money, or just vanishing with your belongings.

When trying to avoid being duped by these scams, watch out for things like unprofessional behaviour or if they’re not open about their business practices. If they dodge when asked for references or past customer experiences, that’s another red flag. Suppose you end up in a situation where you think a moving company has scammed you; there are steps to take action by reporting them either to the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA) or reaching out to your state’s Attorney General.

Finding a trustworthy moving company usually involves asking people close to you who’ve moved recently and looking online yourself. It helps greatly also get several price quotes from different movers while checking each one is properly licensed and insured – this shows professionalism on their part.

By staying alert and doing detailed research ahead of time—plus knowing what common schemes exist—you can protect yourself against falling into the trap of moving scams perpetrated by shady moving companies.


Shifting to a new place brings its own thrill, with fresh starts and chances waiting for you. But this journey can quickly go south if you get caught up in a moving scam. With these scams, folks might trick you into agreeing to sketchy deals, keep your stuff until you pay up more than agreed, or even vanish with all your belongings. Luckily, there are ways to shield yourself from such troubles. By being aware of the warning signs and knowing what details matter most, finding a trustworthy moving company can ensure your move is smooth without any unnecessary stress.

What Are Moving Scams?

Moving scams happen when moving companies trick people during their move. They might give you a really low price at first and then ask for more money later, or they won’t give your stuff back until you pay extra fees. To keep yourself safe from these tricks, it’s good to know about the moving industry and the rules made by the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA). This way, you can avoid falling into traps set by dishonest movers who use deceptive practices to get more money out of customers through additional fees.

The Basics of Moving Fraud

Moving fraud happens when some moving companies trick their customers. They often start with a low price to get the job, but then they add more charges after your stuff is on the truck. With another sneaky move, they might not give you back your household goods until you pay an extra fee that wasn’t mentioned before. It’s really important to know about these tricks and also understand there are federal rules meant to stop this from happening. By being aware of what rights and duties you have as a customer, you can keep yourself safe from getting cheated by these deceptive practices involving additional fees or any unexpected extra charge by moving companies.

Why Moving Scams Are Prevalent

Unfortunately, scams in the moving industry are pretty common. This problem comes from a few things like more and more moving companies popping up and not enough rules or people checking on them. With websites making it super easy to start a company, scammers find it simple to get into the business and trick folks who just want to move their stuff safely. The Better Business Bureau (BBB) gets thousands of complaints about these companies every year, which really shows why you need to be careful when picking one for your move. By knowing that these scams happen often and being smart about how you choose your moving company and researching on reputable web sites like MovingScam.com, you can make sure your move goes smoothly without any trouble.

Identifying Common Moving Scams

To keep yourself safe from moving scams, you need to know how to spot the usual tricks and be aware of the warning signs. Among the most common moving scams are getting a surprisingly low estimate only to face higher costs later, deliveries that never happen, and unexpected fees popping up. You can catch these scams by looking out for certain red flags like someone asking for a big deposit before anything starts, not wanting to give you an estimate or contract in writing, or showing up with trucks that have no company logo on them. By staying alert and watching for these warning signs, including unusual requests and extra costs, you can steer clear of falling into traps set by scammers during your move.

The Low-Ball Estimate Trap

One of the most common moving scams you might run into is when a company gives you a really low estimate to get your attention. After they’ve got all your stuff on their truck, they suddenly tell you the cost is going to be way more than what was first said. At this point, you’re stuck because if you want your things back, you have to pay up. To steer clear of this trap, it’s smart to ask for a written moving estimate that clearly shows every fee and charge related with moving. Even better is getting something called a binding estimate; this means the price they quote can’t change later on. By having someone come over in person to check out what needs moving ensures the quote will be right on target. Also, taking some time to read through online reviews helps figure out if the company tends to play fair with their pricing or not.

Phantom Delivery Schemes

One sneaky trick some movers pull is the ghost delivery con. Here, they pack up all your stuff and then vanish into thin air, leaving you empty-handed and clueless about where to find them or your belongings. To dodge this moving scam, it’s wise to pick a mover that’s known for being reliable, with lots of happy customers vouching for their punctual deliveries. Paying close attention to what people say about how well the company communicates, its customer service quality, and if they offer ways to keep an eye on your move can also help big time. By doing your homework well and choosing someone trustworthy for the job, you’re less likely to end up in such a frustrating situation.

Surprise Fees and Charges

When you’re planning a move, watch out for moving scams like unexpected fees. Sometimes, moving companies add extra costs that weren’t mentioned at the start in your quote or agreement. These additional charges can really bump up the final price you have to pay, catching you off guard with bills you didn’t see coming. To steer clear of this trick, it’s crucial to go over your contract carefully and ensure every possible fee is listed upfront, including the original estimate. It also helps to shop around and get quotes from different moving companies so you can compare what they charge and what services they offer. By doing your homework thoroughly, avoiding these surprise fees becomes much easier.

Signs You Might Be Dealing With a Scam

When picking out a moving company, it’s key to keep an eye out for certain red flags that could tip you off to a scam. These warning signs are crucial in figuring out whether the movers can be trusted. For starters, if they answer calls with just “movers” or “moving company” instead of giving a specific name, that’s something to question. Also, watch out if they want you to sign a blank contract or one where things aren’t clear-cut. It’s suspicious too when they ask for big deposits or cash before doing any work and not having the right paperwork like licenses and insurance is another bad sign. If these issues pop up, it might be wise to look around at other companies.

Lack of Proper Licensing and Insurance

When picking a moving company, it’s a big warning sign if they don’t have the right license or insurance. Good moving companies will have both to make sure your stuff is safe while being moved. It’s smart to check that the company has all its papers in order, including a valid USDOT number. You can do this by looking them up on the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA) website. Having the correct licensing and insurance means that not only is the company doing things by the book, but you’re also covered if anything gets damaged or lost during your move. Going with reputable moving companies that are properly licensed and insured gives you extra comfort, knowing everything you own is in good hands.

Vague or Missing Contracts

When you’re dealing with moving companies, it’s a big red flag if they don’t have clear contracts or none at all. Good and reputable moving companies will always give you a contract that spells out everything about your move in detail. Watch out for those asking you to sign something blank or with terms that aren’t clear because this could lead to trouble like scams or extra charges later on. Before putting your signature on anything, make sure to read the contract thoroughly and understand what it says. The things included should be a written estimate of costs, an inventory list of items being moved, and the mover’s copy of the bill of lading. This last one is super important because it lists what’s being shipped and lays down the rules for the move. By making sure your moving company hands over a detailed contract covering all these bases, you can avoid falling into traps set by scammers and solve any disagreements more easily.

Requests for Large Deposits Upfront

When a moving company asks for a big deposit before the move, it’s usually not a good sign. Most of the time, trustworthy moving companies won’t ask you to pay a lot upfront. If they do, it might mean they’re either struggling with money or trying to trick you into fraudulent activity. It’s smart to be careful if they want a large deposit and think about looking at other options. Using your credit card can help, too, because it gives you extra protection if something goes wrong or there are any disagreements. By staying alert to these kinds of requests and picking reputable moving companies, you can keep yourself from getting scammed and make sure your money stays safe.

Preventative Measures to Avoid Moving Scams

To steer clear of moving scams, it’s crucial to be proactive and do your homework before picking a moving company. Here are some steps you can follow for protection: start by researching and confirming the credentials of different moving companies; ask friends and family for their recommendations; make sure to check if the company is licensed and insured; don’t forget to read what others have said in online reviews. It’s also wise to get quotes from various movers so you can compare prices and services offered. By taking these actions seriously, you’ll likely find a reputable mover that will help make your move smooth and worry-free.

Research and Verify Moving Companies

To steer clear of moving scams, it’s crucial to do your homework on moving companies. Begin with a deep dive into the company’s track record and how it stands with the Better Business Bureau (BBB). Reading what other customers have said online can give you good insight, too. Keep an eye out for any warning signs or red flags that scream scam. With moving companies, having a real place where they operate from in your neighbourhood is important, so check if they’ve got a local address and aren’t just some ghost operation. It’s wise to ask them for names of people who’ve moved like you before – this way, you get stories straight from those who’ve been there and done that. Doing all this legwork means when it comes time to pick someone for the job, you’ll end up choosing a trustworthy and reputable mover, making sure your move goes smoothly without falling prey to scams.

Understand Your Rights and Responsibilities

When dealing with moving companies, knowing your rights and what you’re supposed to do is key. The Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA) oversees the moving industry and sets rules for both customers and movers. It’s a good idea to get familiar with these rules so you know what’s expected from each side during a move.

As someone hiring a mover, you should get an estimate in writing that shows all the costs like getting your stuff from one place to another, packing up boxes, and any extra help they offer. Make sure to go over this estimate carefully. If something doesn’t make sense or if there are parts that aren’t clear, don’t hesitate to ask questions.

You also have the right to get a booklet called “Your Rights and Responsibilities When You Move.” This guide explains everything about how moves work and what rights protect you as a customer. Moving companies need to give this booklet out because it helps keep everyone informed.

On top of that, it’s on you as wellto be upfront about exactly what items are being moved especially if some things are fragile or really valuable needing careful handling.

Understanding these points can help ensure your move goes smoothly without any hitches while making sure your interests stay protected throughout.

Get Everything in Writing

To keep yourself safe from moving scams, it’s crucial to put everything down on paper. Start by getting a written estimate from the movers that spells out all your costs. This should cover things like transport, packing up your stuff, and any extra services they offer.

With this estimate in hand, go over it carefully to make sure it matches what you’re expecting for your move. If something doesn’t add up or seems vague, don’t hesitate to ask the company to clear things up before you agree to anything.

On top of an estimate, having an inventory list is also key. This list will note every item being moved along with its condition so if anything goes missing or gets damaged during the move; you’ll know exactly what happened.

And if there comes a time when you need to report a problem or get money back for damages or lost items? Make sure you have kept the receipt of your claim because this document will be important when dealing with disputes against the moving company.

By making sure all these details are documented in writing—like getting that written estimate and keeping track of receipts—you’re setting yourself up for a smoother move without falling victim to scams.

What to Do If You Fall Victim to a Moving Scam

If you ever get caught up in a moving scam, don’t worry; there are things you can do to fight back and make sure it doesn’t just slide. For starters, let the right people know what happened. This means reaching out to the local police, getting in touch with the Better Business Bureau, and letting the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA) hear about it, too.

By reporting what went down, you’re not only putting pressure on those movers to own up but also throwing out a warning so others might avoid falling into the same trap.

But that’s not where your options end. If you’ve been hit hard by this scam—like losing money or other damages—you might want to think about taking legal action against these movers. Talking with an attorney who knows their way around consumer protection laws could be your next move. They’ll help figure out if suing is right for you and how to go about it.

Reporting the Fraud

If you’ve been caught up in a moving scam, there are quite a few places ready to lend a hand. The Better Business Bureau (BBB) is one of the first stops you should make. They’re great for making complaints about moving companies and can help sort out any disagreements. Plus, they have loads of info on how these companies have behaved in the past, including any trouble they’ve run into before.

On top of reaching out to the BBB, it’s smart to let your local police know what’s happened. They can look into it and might even take legal steps against the movers if needed.

Then, we also get in touch with the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA). This agency keeps an eye on everything related to the moving industry and cracks down on those who don’t play by rules or engage in shady stuff.

By telling these organizations about your bad experience, not only do you stand up for yourself but also help stop others from being tricked by similar scams involving moving companies, ensuring better business practices across this field.

Seeking Legal Recourse

If you’ve been tricked by a moving scam, you might have the right to take legal action. This means suing the moving company to get back any money or other things you lost because of them.

When thinking about taking legal steps, it’s crucial to talk with an attorney who knows a lot about protecting consumers and has dealt with moving scams before. They can explain how everything works legally and help make sense of your situation.

In court, you could get compensated for not just the money but also for stress or any other problems caused by the movers’ dishonesty. Your lawyer will team up with you to collect proof, create a convincing argument, and aim for a result that benefits you.

Remember that going after justice through courts can take time and involves many details; therefore, patience is key. Staying in close contact with your attorney will be essential in striving for success.

Key Takeaways

When you’re moving, watch out for scams. It’s important to know the signs and how to avoid trouble. Start by doing your homework on movers, insist on clear contracts, and don’t pay upfront fees to lower your chances of getting duped. Before you let a mover handle your stuff, make sure they’re legit. If you do run into a scam, report it right away and get help from a lawyer if needed. Keeping yourself informed and ready to act is crucial in staying safe from shady movers. Your peace of mind and keeping your belongings secure should be top priorities during the move. Be smart about who you trust with your things, and make sure to have concrete evidence of any transactions so you can protect yourself from moving scams in the first place.

Frequently Asked Questions

How can I verify a moving company’s legitimacy?

When you’re looking into whether a moving company is the real deal, there are a few things you can do. For starters, see if they’re on the list with the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA). It’s also smart to check out their physical address and look up their website. On top of that, doing some digging online to read what other customers have said about them can be really helpful. And lastly, by getting in touch with different companies and seeing how their services and prices stack up against each other, you’ll get a better idea of what’s out there.

What steps should I take if I suspect a moving scam?

If you think you’ve been caught in a moving scam, there are a few things you can do. Start by telling the local police and the Better Business Bureau about what happened. Make sure to keep all your proof handy, like the first price quote they gave you and any messages between you and the movers. It might also be a good idea to talk to someone who knows about laws to figure out what steps you can take next and how to look after your rights.
